Calem Watson
My name is Calem Watson, 24 years old, born in Regina, Saskatchewan. I have a passion for adventure, wilderness travel, canoeing, fishing and hunting. I have travelled over 5 450 kilometers by canoe across Northern Canada, including a 122 day, 3000 km solo crossing of the NWT. When not adventuring I enjoy life outdoors working as a wilderness fishing guide and commercial fisherman. I hope my adventures can inspire my fellow Canadians to spend more time playing, living and working outdoors on this amazing land we call home.
ABout The Journey
Expedition NWT
A 122 day, 3000 km solo canoe crossing of the NWT. Calem departed from the territory’s southern border at Fort Smith on May 18, and finished on the Arctic Ocean at Tuktoyaktuk on September 16. He journeyed across two inland seas, six different rivers, many lakes and numerous landscapes through one of Earth’s last true wildernesses. Adventure, solitude, freedom, exceptional fishing, beautiful scenery and challenges abounded. Cooking entirely by fire and relying heavily on what he could catch for food made the journey all the more exciting. Although almost always alone, the few people that he did meet were incredibly kind and have become a highlight of his travels. Calem is currently working on a book and a documentary on the journey.